Episode 57

Episode 57: Trump vs. Biden: The Fecal Matter Show 🚽🍿

🎙️ Intro Shenanigans: The Texas Trio kicks off with jokes about their name and a snappy introduction.

📰 Special News Edition: A unique episode focused on the Trump-Biden debate, humorously dubbed the "Fecal Matter Show."

😳 Debate Disaster: The hosts discuss the embarrassing nature of the debate, highlighting Biden's apparent dementia and Trump's uncharacteristically reserved demeanor.

🎭 Performance Reviews: Mixed reactions to Trump’s performance – some saw strategy, others saw restraint.

📺 Moderator's Role: Praise for the debate moderators for their hardball questions and fair handling.

🔢 Biden's Numbering Strategy: Observations on Biden's debate tactics, especially his use of numbering points.

👨‍⚖️ Personal Moment: Biden’s emotional reaction about his son, Beau, sparking debate on his cognitive state.

🚪 Democratic Dilemma: Speculation on Democrats’ search for an exit strategy to replace Biden.

🎬 Debate Prep: Insight into Biden’s extensive preparation, suggesting it was a setup for failure.

💊 Amped & Slowed: Comments on Biden's seemingly medicated state during the debate.

🌅 Sundowner Syndrome: Discussion on Biden’s condition worsening as the day progresses.

📅 Early Debate Timing: The unprecedented timing of this early debate in modern political history.

🌟 Trump’s Missed Opportunities: Critique on Trump not capitalizing on his chances to stay positive and avoid attacking Biden.

🧠 Strategic Holding Back: Speculation that Trump might have held back to avoid attacking an elderly Biden.

🗳️ Future Predictions: Predictions on the potential fallout and replacement candidates for Biden.

🏛️ Democratic Long Game: Theory on Democrats playing the long game to get Trump out and prepare for 2028.

💼 Behind-the-Scenes Strategies: Insight into political strategists’ long-term plans beyond public perception.

🦅 Obama Factor: Discussion on the influence and potential involvement of Michelle Obama.

📊 Media Impact: Comments on how media handling and portrayal affect political perceptions.

🕵️ Fact-Checking Debate: Debating the effectiveness and bias of real-time fact-checking.

🐶 Guest Appearance: A light-hearted end with a guest appearance from Richie’s dog, Fluffy.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Get It Right, Texoma!
Get It Right, Texoma!
Featuring the Texoma Trio.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Michael Hendren

Michael Hendren

Profile picture for Terry McAdams

Terry McAdams

Terry McAdams is the founder and CEO of MacTech Solutions, an Apple Authorized Reseller and Service Provider in Wichita Falls, Texas. A tech enthusiast since the early 1980s, Terry’s passion for computers sparked in high school, back when floppy disks were all the rage and Pac-Man was cutting-edge.

With a stellar 20-year career in the United States Air Force as an Avionics Technician and Instructor, Terry’s tech-savvy skills only grew stronger. While stationed at Sheppard Air Force Base, he dove headfirst into the Wichita Falls community, where he connected with some truly awesome people, including Mike Hendren and Trey Sralla.

Terry made his radio debut with “Terry’s Tech Minute,” a hit tech segment on News Talk 1290’s Rise and Shine Show. Every morning, he rocked the airwaves with the latest tech news, and on Fridays, he joined Mike live in the studio for a totally tubular tech talk. When the Rise and Shine Show wrapped up, Mike knew they had to keep the good times rolling, inviting Terry to his new show, Wake Up Call.

In early 2024, Mike, Trey, and Terry joined forces to launch the “Get It Right Texoma” podcast, bringing their rad mix of expertise, insights, and community spirit to a fresh and growing audience.
Profile picture for Trey Sralla

Trey Sralla

Trey was raised in Wichita Falls. He learned the value of hard work from his parents, Hayden and Peggy, who were both raised on farms in central Texas. Trey owned horses, did cowboy day work and hauled thousands of bales of hay before he graduated high school. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Midwestern State University in 1995. When he was 20 years old, he went to work at Eddie Hill’s Fun Cycles as a part time/ temporary laborer. 32 years later, Trey is now the CEO, General Manager and part-owner of the dealership. He has been married for 20 years and has three adult children…. all Texas A&M graduates.
In addition to his professional career, Trey has spent many years in various volunteer positions. He served 12 years on the Wichita Falls ISD School Board, Campfire of North Texas Board, The WFISD Foundation Board and the Wichita Falls Chamber legislative committee. He currently serves as the president of the Texas Motorcycle Dealers Association, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Regulatory Council, The Redneck Culinary Academy Board and the Clay County Hospital Board.
He was on talk radio in Wichita Falls on various stations and shows for over 18 years. Trey has announced high school football on the radio and internet streaming for a number of years.
He enjoys travelling and has visited 48 states and 11 countries. He also enjoys camping (in the travel trailer) and riding side by sides off road.